Wednesday, September 10, 2014

GEO -10 - Environmental Concerns

As we move into Chapter 2, we will start studying in depth the environmental concerns that affect us both locally and globally. Puerto Rico, as an island nation in the Caribbean, is facing very specific threats when it comes to climate change. Rising sea levels, food security and weak power plant facilities are just some of the majoir threats that islands around the world are starting to cope with. The following report, realesed in 2005, following The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change focuses on the impacts of climate change on small island nations.
"As an island State, we are at greater ecological and economical risks associated with adverse effects of climate change. We cannot over emphasize what Mauritius stands to lose if climate change problems are not addressed adequately and in a timely manner. The threat to agriculture, tourism and fisheries, three of the main pillars of our economy, cannot be overestimated.” Statement by Hon. R. A. Bhagwan (Mauritius)

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